my animal friends

I’m a vegetarian. If I had big enough balls I’d go vegan… maybe one day. I don’t lecture people on their personal choices because people don’t lecture me on mine. But for the record… now might be the perfect time for you to consider the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle… (tee hee…)

DSCN1486It’s very important that I have some type of animal friends near at all times. I’m not sure how this came to be about over the years but it’s an ingrained feature of gretchen… I’m all about pets. If I’m ever able to own land of any sort I would scatter it with creatures, preferably tame ones that will let me pet them.

In the absence of my beloved puppies my predominant companion has been Snooky Puss… a cat that I rescued prior to my Australian exodus and who my parents lovingly adopted. I’ve also been visited by other various animals that are a serious contribution to my sane keeping. If I go without some type of furry creature to hug and love for any extended period of time I get very, very, irritable.100_1205

Other animal friends I’ve been able to love since I’ve been home include dogsĀ named Ned, Lily, and Ears. However I must say that Snooky Puss has delivered the greatest favour… whenever I stare at a page for too long… he hops on the table and tramples on it.

Thank you Snooky Puss…

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