The missing of the puppies is affecting me a bit.
I think that’s because whenever I get stressed about writing I usually curl up with them and sleep. I was reading something by a screenwriter today who was saying his ‘thing’ is hot baths… that’s where he goes during those moments you need as writer to let your mind drift into the next phase…
I go to the puppies. Apparently Lily still sits by the door waiting for me to arrive. I’ve been doing a pretty good job not sooking about them too much… but for the record… I miss them every day.
I’m still sticking with the thriller script at the moment, even though I haven’t written much for the last day and change. I’m brain storming and expanding, researching and sharpening up. I’m still kind of amazed that I’m in movie-writing mode…
I was looking at the snow before and thinking about summer in Australia, I’m booked to be back there in seven weeks. Script’s gotta be done by then… I’m hoping to have them both knocked out.
No pressure…