one hundred at a time

I tapped into FollowMeToNYC recently and was greeted by 100 cult members visiting at once. This is a lot for me – it’s like a million.

This came at a perfect time where I’m literally in between worlds with one foot in Australia, a few toes on Manhattan, and my heart beating crazy for Berlin where I’ll be in three days.

Yesterday was the last day of my job here in Melbourne. It’s the first time I’ve left a job that I actually like. Usually quitting is a lot more fun. Being the creative monkey I am, it’s pretty amazing when I stumble into random work that I don’t find terrible.

Never the less! My snazzy New York City
job starts in thirteen days! With it comes the construction of my sacred writing space and final novel phases. I’ve been saying for 700 days that I’m going to get to New York City and finish whacking out my first novel… so here we go!

I nearly had a heart attack when there were over 100 of us in these parts when I rocked up the other day. I wonder how many are going to come out of the cracks when we’re regularly LIVE from Manhattan…

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