sandy schmandy

Some of you may have heard about Hurricane Sandy that is coming to blow us all off the northern seaboard in a rapidly approaching time.

I say horse  pucky.

I saw some live time cyclones while I was living in Australia. For example, I was living in Brisbane when a storm ripped through a suburb totaling a block of houses with nothing but a few piles of wood in its wake.

I was living in Melbourne when the 2011 Brisbane floods devastated the nation. I realize Sandy might whip some winds through and rattle a few telephone poles… but I don’t think the entire island group that is New York City will be submerged in impossible pools of sky water.

Maybe I’m just an optimist.

The U.S. media is hilarious over the weather. If they reported on issues like world hunger and women’s rights with just as much passion, it would be a dramatically different country. The economy would crash from the drop of bottled water and flashlight sales.

From the looks of it I have a few coming days of rainy weather writing which I enjoy immensely. Tea with grey skies and petrichor letters spilling on a page.

I might even purchase a desk this weekend… that’s how unconcerned I am about Sandy smashing through and destroying life as we know it.

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