slowly sneaking out

Namaste blog family

I went out last night. It’s the first time I’ve gone out on my own for a minute. For the past few weeks, my excursions have been primarily due to the love of cult members coming around to make sure I pop out for some air. Between the busted foot, relationship beating, and book obsession of recent existence… I haven’t been venturing out much.

Until last night.

My adventure last night involved a downtown mission to see a band called Infinite Loop from Oslo, Norway. Sometimes I chat with the lead singer Gorka via Instagram, and I’m quite fond of their track A Sound That Lifts Me Up. Plus, we all know how I much I love the Instagram cult after my one on one with Patrick last week.

So I rode the six train downtown, I haven’t been on the subway for ages. I scampered off at Bleeker Street and ended up at Arlene’s Grocery.

Outside of Arlene’s Grocery, someone asked the bouncer for the directions. The bouncer complied with a sigh beneath his breath about, “I think that’s right” as the car drove off. That’s when a passerby mentioned that the bouncer was actually wrong and the car would find out once it hits the water.

This made me laugh my ass off whilst fishing for my ID. And the next thing you know, the funny boy from the sidewalk was standing beside me at the bar, kindly purchasing my vodka soda. He’s a photographer. We’re going to have dinner next week.

After my drink with my new friend, I tried to find Gorka but alas, was unsuccessful in this regard. I listened to a bit of live music, hopped in a taxi cab, and zoomed back uptown.

I think I’m blinking my eyes in the dream finally.

Slowly sneaking out.

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