thank you for the fix nyc

New York City looks like entertainment and sounds like subway trains rattling along at 70 miles per hour. It tastes like sweet potato soju cocktails and smells likeIMG_0194 the best food you’ve ever tasted. It feels like I’m ready to get back to writing.

CJ has been singing Lady GaGa to me for the past three days and demands I say that’s what New York City is… Lady GaGa… I’d prefer to say something more like ‘New York City is Madonna in the 80’s…’ Speaking of Madonna I saw Guy Ritchie talking about his new Sherlock flick. He was accompanied by the Producer/Writer of the film who to I asked the question ‘How many scripts did you write before you saw one made?’ His reply? ‘Seven… and I had to produce this one to see it get done.’ I feel your pain brother!

IMG_0186I have fully acknowledged that living in Australia has turned me soft when it comes to winter in New England. I mean, the windy weather that Melbourne brings certainly chills your bones… but I don’t think it’s anything like winter over here. In less than two months I’ll be dead set in the middle of the Aussie summer… most likely having a barbeque at the beach, VB in hand, watching electric blue waves remind me more about what matters…

Thank you New York City… you always have a unique and amazing way of putting me back in my place.

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