From New York to San Francisco to Sydney to Brisbane… back to Australia I come! I am presently getting past the state of zombie that occurs when I somehow lose a day in the sky and the clock does all sorts of crazy things… hopefully by tomorrow I will adequately catch my breath.
I returned to a cloudy sky and the remanence of some recent summer storms lingering in the air. The atmosphere feels sticky and is glowing an electric green unique to what the rain brings. The puppies welcomed me home with special dancing and wiggles. And then, in a very unexciting way, after about 25 hours of traveling, I passed out face down on the couch and had crazy dreams.
Considering that I am a somewhat quick-paced, get-this-party-started sort of chick… the groggy haze of jet lag doesn’t suit me in the slightest. I shall battle out the next few hours like a rock star. Granted I feel like a hung over rock star that ate too many oxycodone… it’s nothing a bit of late night jumping around won’t solve!!
My house smells like pizza at the moment… Since moving to AUS, I’ve pretty much mastered (oh yes, I said mastered) making pizza because aside from a few fantastic Italian places down south in Melbourne… pizza down under (or anywhere for that matter) simply cannot meet the standards of the greater New York area!!
Welcome home Gretch, and don’t forget to clean the bathroom, it’s not his fault, men are just different !
Cheers Cathal! Our house is literally 100 years old so Luke’s lucky… he’s aware that we both know nothing could ever make our bathroom look decent no matter what, lol!
Welcome home! Oh yes, I was nodding and drooling a little in agreement with the NY pizza.
Thank you it is excellent to return!! And nothing makes me smile like a girl who knows her pizza…