zipcar is a PR fail

Well blog family, I heard something back after my rant RE: Zipcar ripping me off for no reason. They reached out via Twitter: Screen Shot 2013-11-15 at 7.38.59 PM

I have since come to learn that Zipcar’s idea of “someone being in touch about your concerns ‘shortly'” = an innocent employee cold-dialing me 19 hours later because s/he heard that, “You wanted to talk about something…”

Me: “Ummm… not really?”

S/he: “Oh. Ok.”

Me: “Well, yeah. I guess that since I didn’t lock my rental before it was stolen.” (because, why would I in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE) that you’re going to make me pay. So… whatever. Thanks.

As a senior manager myself, with budgets of my own, the dollar sign price of a reputation is what my Zipcar rant is really all about. Zipcar would rather that I loudly declare for the rest of my life how unjust they are (which I’ll totally do because I’ve got a bad habit of grudge holding) instead of let me off the hook. So let’s get a little deeper into why Zipcar (aka Avis) is making an innocent victim like me pay them $3500 after I was robbed.

For the rest of my rant, let’s refer to Zipcar/Avis by what they trade as on the New York stock exchange, CAR. Here’s what I have to say:

Dear CAR

a stolen, totalled, zipcar.
a stolen, totalled, zipcar.

Congratulations on the $2.4 billion in revenue that you earned during 3Q 2013. Your company made approximately 11,999,900% more than I did during the quarter

To be honest, the quarter wasn’t too great for me in general. Amongst lousy things, as your stock continued to climb into the $30s per share (nice work), some redneck stole the zipcar that I rented for a weekend getaway with my boyfriend and totalled it. The officer that arrived treated me like a second-class citizen making up stories. I must say, the Zipcar telephone staff were excellent.

However, Zipcar’s / Avis / CAR’s decision to make me pay is not fair. I will be reaching out to Mr. Nelson to further voice my concern.

I’m glad Zipcar is contributing to CAR’s stock going up. Hopefully someone will put the same sort of intelligent focus toward a previous consumer. I forgot to also mention, CAR suspended my card due to the incident, Hertz on demand was very glad to hear this. Thank you for your time.

Love, Gretchen

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