your socks

The last night I saw you was the only night my dog ever pissed on my floor. She did it while you were here doing drugs in my bathroom that were delivered by my dealer in a silver BMW about twenty minutes ago. These are things that happen in Manhattan. I’ve known you for almost two years now and you have begged and pleaded and played on the weakness my divorce cut me with and broke both of my knees. I’ve given you a lot. Too much. Things I...

éveil internationale

I've been writing in French lately... éveil internationale et ses paroles sont devenues mon pinceau. mon inspiration. mon amour. soudain, je pensais en français… pinot noir. creme brule. baisers à Manhattan en - rêvant de l'Australie. et mon monde élargi. couleurs que tout a commencé quand j'ai regardé dans les yeux. international awakening and his words became my paintbrush. my inspiration. my love. suddenly i was thinking in french…...

hurricane draft

hurricane draft when it started… hearing his voice (like sunlight on your face) became… natural. and his words were… (wind in your hair) Art. to make you. pace. blown away - (mon trésor, mon amour) cattails. floating on the breeze.

oh lord. who else soundin like this.

Namaste blog tribe The book is bouncing and soaring around. Over the past two months, I've really visited each character and their complexities. I'm starting to add subtle details and motivations. And pages fill, paragraphs get slashed - and I'm creating something I'm really proud of. In other news - we had an ill snowstorm last weekend, the second largest in Manhattan history, so I was told. We dove in snowbanks... I carried designer shoes in...


Namaste blog tribe For those of you still around, all of the love in the world to you. I've been thinking a lot about FollowMeToNYC lately. I've also received a handful of messages after my last post asking how to find me these days. I've been writing under the pseudonym Jacklyn Luciano. A Writer can never have enough pseudonyms I have decided. And that said, I discovered periscope. Periscope offers a beautiful opportunity to do for me exactly...
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