Namaste blah-g tribe... what's goodie? After about four months of invisible, FollowMeToNYC is being reignited. To say my life is new is a gross understatement. I could not possibly be more pleased. Some of you may have been keeping up with the pod, there's even a YouTube game taking shape. If you're really curious what I've been up to... try here. It's been about four months since I met Heath. Talk about a divine intervention. Moving to Yamba,...
Namaste visitors... Every Sunday I'm going to pop in here. I'm sorry for talking shit about when I'll be around. My life has been here for over 10 years and I'm transient... to put it simple. Simple isn't something I really speak... I wish I could boil and package all the things I haven't said in a blahg and catch everyone up. ... but I also love being an absolute secret. It's taken about five years to establish myself as that. I reckon I've...
Being the language lover I am, there are two words I don't like. 'Content' and 'influencer'. I don't like the word content because it takes the essence out of the word writing. It sounds like something to be merely consumed rather than cherished and considered, something forced instead of something thoughtful. Content takes away from my personal definition of writing which is based on create. The reason I don't like the word influencer is very...
Namaste blahg tribe Wow... it's been over three months, quite a flash indeed. It's been seven months since I've had to work for anyone. I've spent this time traveling, thinking, meditating, dancing on the beach, raising the newest puppy (Pascal who joined us on Easter) and completely indulging in this new era of my life. Today I booked a motorhome to travel to the top end of Australia in a bit over two weeks' time. There is blue water and rain...
Namaste blahg tribe To keep things in perspective, I thought it worth bringing light today to the fact that I have no family on my favourite continent. And three of my five friends are in New York City. In 2002 I was here for a wonderful love that lasted until it was finished which is when I started this webpage, to mend my broken heart. I've literally been divorced three times since post number one, let that seep in. As a little girl in the...