eight days later

It's been eight days since I was forced to say goodbye to Henry. I don't feel better. I actually feel worse. It's amazing how much you can cut life down when life cuts what you care about most away. This is post 1,001. I used to imagine what 1,000 posts would be. If anyone told me it would have been numb verses poured to dilute the anguish of losing Henry, I probably would have abandoned these parts months ago. I'm not happy. I can't make myself...

gutting goodbye

gutting goodbye 24 hour tears. Fall To a fatal force. Invisible Collapse. Will subtracting A feeling; No longer familiar. Once, a love learned, stolen And all I do is search. To touch what will never again. Be held. Like I held him close. I cried a lot at work today. I've been saying that I have allergies. I wish it could be something so basic. I actually think I might be allergic to life. I understand death is an inevitable conclusion to...

box. bottle. back to work.

I'm going back to work today. I will wear a new dress, five inch stilettos and a fresh pair of nylons. When people ask me about Henry I'll say things like, "It's sad, sometimes these things happen," and "Thank you for asking though..." I will sit at an enormous board table and talk in billions, pretend like my heart hasn't finally permanently fractured. Then I'll probably duck into the bathroom to sob in increments I'm assuming will be in a...

R.I.P Henry. Fuck you lymphoma.

Henry left Earth this morning. I picture him surrounded in gold light, somewhere far away with wings... in a place far superior to the lower vibrational land where you and I reside. I know it's cliche, but the ones that are left behind are always the ones that suffer indescribably. Like Peanut and I, for example. While I have been attempting to drown my tears in tequila, it has yet to prove successful. Although, at the rate my tears are pouring,...
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