renewed love. my poetry.

After my most recent break-up, matched with the whole "job... yeah, I'll need one of those... eventually..." I woke up a bit meh. I fired up my Instagram with my morning coffee to learn that I was tagged in a #screenshot game - which essentially means screenshot whatever your home screen is and post it. My screenshot, of course, is Fronkles and Peanut. The real magic in all of this, however, is while I'm sharing my picture with my Insta-mates,...

when i met allen stone part two

Ok. So now that I've sort of slept and somehow made it to Saturday. I totally need to talk more about when I met Allen Stone. Completely extra-post worthy. Allen Stone is a peaceful love creature who hails from Washington State. He glows all sorts of violet and gold and he is a humble, wonderful light. As part of my magic special ticket, I was given a signed EP and Q&A session with Allen. Who I think might go by Al, I'm not sure. First there...

direction (of diving)

direction (of diving) patterns of vision. luster combustion. this light. off of him. onto him. this pace slowing head turning stop where you realize that the two of you did not cease. running. i escaped and he turned. i stopped. and i never pause to stand in one place. i keep the pull of the moon and sun’s heat in the palms of my hands. he felt hot to me. like something individual to fit a space unknown as vacant. heart swell casting. thrown...

tides of together

tides of together i met him. another. morning after the other before another; because men? they (just) simply again and again and again. so… i looked up and he was down. do you really know what it takes being (?). he stole a piece of me. too long ago. now to recall back then. nevermind. an ocean-eyed, outerspace mind standing on the corner. looking for me. to not walk downstairs even though it is repetitive. it repeats. like the way i thrash...

holy shit i’m going to meet ALLEN STONE

OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO MEET ALLEN STONE! I'm deep in editing today blog tribe. Chopping sentences and moving words. During this process, in the back of my mind, a voice hummed: Isn't Allen Stone playing New York City in October? Oh yes, Allen Stone is playing New York City in October. Not only that, he's playing about four blocks from my house. And furthermore - I copped a special, fancy-like, quite inexpensive, magic, golden ticket which...
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