
Yesterday was the one month anniversary of bouncing out of my well-paying yet ineffably inappropriate place of employment... here are some shots from the day to briefly re-cap... First I woke up and took some photos to record how happy I was about making the decision to be out, then when I got home a few hours later  I spent the rest of the day tending to much more productive tasks, like playing ball with the puppies. After I quit I immediately...

now you’re in NEW YOOORK!!

New York City smells like Chinese food, patchouli incense, the cologne of delivery boys, the roses for sale on each street corner, and Jamaican nannies wafting coconut trails from perfectly woven braids. It sounds like Hot 97 pumping from Escalades, taxis blasting, laughter on the streets, musical shopfronts from Tom Petty to Rancid to languages I've never heard, and people saying things to their friends like 'What you need is a make over,' or a...

wedding dresses
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