Twenty hours

About 20 hours from now, my plane will take off from JFK to Berlin, and then fly from Berlin to Rome. At this point, I feel like I am essentially paralyzed with excitement. All of the packing and preparing and talking to the luthier every day has swirled me into a pile of bones that needs to be put on a plane. There's really just nothing else I'm decent at right now... In effort to defy jet lag, I'm planning to stay up all night. This way when I...

i leave tomorrow

Well... I've been quiet for a minute. For four days... The word introspection is a gross understatement. I have this habit of writing in various journals at once. Due to my love affair with paper and ink, I can never pass up bringing home a new empty book that speaks to me. Yesterday, I picked up a journal I bought in Berlin - back around this time in 2011. I finished scribbling secrets about the amazing journey I'm about to embark on tomorrow...
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