tahiti. two steps home.

Namaste blah-g family I'm sitting in the 2am moonlight, with very little clothing (ok,none), a glass of French rose and a lot on my mind; on the deck of my personal water hut - tucked away along the Tahitian coastline.  Having a lot on my mind in the southern hemisphere is different than when I'm spending time in New York City. It's been nearly five years now since I've been there, I'm astonished by what I've achieved. I haven't really had a...

here i go (again)

Namaste blog tribe So I'm leaving for Australia via Tahiti in about seven hours. I'm not packed. I woke up in tears. I don't want to go, but I do want to go. I have to go. My present reluctance is stemming from a mixed bouquet of heartbreak. First of all, I haven't been back to Australia since I left my ex-husband at the airport on my way back to New York City, via Berlin. But that's not why my heart feels broken... not really, anyways. About a...

position paragon

position paragon my breath became an opera when he walked through my door. alto exhale soprano. inhale… i bit knuckles and chewed fingers. but. when. i looked at him and his forest eyes. i. explored this place inside nature. where we met. in the first place.

desiderio ansioso

desiderio ansioso come mi ricercato in modi mai diventando il modo in cui Io finalmente… desiderato. volevo in un altro Lingua - era quello che solo due di noi ha parlato. come mi ricercato le sue labbra il suo gusto il suo tocco è come… volevo la musica del nostro movimento. segreto beatitudine. eager yearning how i wanted in ways never becoming the way that i finally… desired. i wanted in another language - it was what only the two of...

esaltazione inalare

esaltazione inalare ci siamo svegliati. come il caffè nero; Vivaldi's estate. quattro ore di sonno - 5am. toccare con un solo sguardo. promettente. senza parlare; un bagliore arancione di mattina - amore a prima vista; dita aggrovigliate. gambe avvolte. come abbiamo segreti scambiati. ogni respiro perduto. inhale elation we. awakened. like black coffee; Vivaldi’s summer. four hours sleep - 5am. touching. with one look. promising. without...
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