allen stone and jon butler trio. summer stage.

Allen Stone and Jon Butler Trio are playing summer stage this Tuesday and I am SO ABOUT IT! Many of the local yanks aren't quite switched on to Jon Butler Trio yet, the Aussies naturally know what's good. Also, I like writing poems to his music. I can't wait! Interestingly, I was not switched on to Allen Stone until I googled him after I bought a pair of tickets last Friday. Holy shit am I glad I did that! And now you know too!! You're welcome!!...

over the rays of summer

over the rays of summer June was blowing through My window. Six months After he walked in, I stopped. Goosebump 2am heartbeat Stop. I froze and he disappeared And it was like there was not A(way): to rediscover a life That we planned. We agreed And the breeze. It kissed Inside the pieces I opened. I looked down to see up; he Turned, my eyes to light Above us. Sealed protection Like a sandstorm’s dust - Transparent promises. All. Two/o Clear....

have you ever (hope)

have you ever (hope) a season. growing in front of my eyes. inside a bewildered film of poses. pictures. a shape came forward. i melted. like fold, i nearly… have you ever been whispered to? he became my. permanent. every letter. every sigh. every single syllable exhaled was only for him. new york city was copper that night beats ingrained him in my soul. and although i willingly. refuse. an escape to how i stretch toward midnight. skies. past...


INTERMISSION he disrupts me. in this way. prior to notice. to see. disruption is enchant. like a hazel-eyed rescue stirring you ashore. walking on ground after sailboat wonders. our ocean wanders, starlight. jumps. when bodies form, in perfection. one. pose. we are unaccompanied. lone heart pumps. he closes. i open. he opens close. an off the grid love that no one can find, 8th avenue hip squeeze. show how you’re mine. suitors try to sway me,...


#myNYPD : a two-part short story dedicated to every victim of police brutality, based on a true story. On March 09, 2014, she received the news that a best friend of hers, in Chile (where she resided from 2002 - 2011), committed suicide. Or fell. One or the other. She could email someone for more information. Except she couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t cry. She looked out the window and tried to forget. On the evening of Friday, Marchl 11, at...
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