Allen Stone and Jon Butler Trio are playing summer stage this Tuesday and I am SO ABOUT IT! Many of the local yanks aren’t quite switched on to Jon Butler Trio yet, the Aussies naturally know what’s good. Also, I like writing poems to his music. I can’t wait! Interestingly, I was not switched on to Allen Stone until I googled him after I bought a pair of tickets last Friday. Holy shit am I glad I did that! And now you know too!! You’re welcome!!
Tonight I watched the sun dip behind the Hudson bouncing to just about every Allen Stone clip on youtube. This is no ordinary bounce blog tribe. I literally had to let my hair down and got out of my seat to shimmy more than once. Tuesday, after work, I will be hip-shaking, and quite possibly bare foot park stomping, to two super dope acts. Oh New York City, the treats are endless.