unvarnished advance

unvarnished advance Looking down. With him approaching, I sensed Peppermint trails and silent promises. To learn that birth was not when life commenced, Staring at the presence of star wishes. Lines on our hands made one constellation. Outside observation. Inside dreaming. Upon first site - forming one creation. My world returns to whispers, not screaming. Touching a soul with no physical reach; Embracing a moment of how to see. All valuable...

To a dead sister (live)

To the fake (one) She used. To say You are fake, it Becomes. A Compliment. She was blessed With children, and Then she completely, Suddenly forgot The reality of blood. Where you come from. Where (youare)(areyou) Going? Her stagnant Depiction of pretending, Like you were raised. We Do not belong in or from The same of anything. I accept how you Fail. A pathetic attempt Your children improve And I thank Goddess To be unrelated From youth's poison...

a snowy sea of smiles

This is the last time I was happy, February 2012. After that, things all went pear-shaped again while I continued to fight the good fight and find a place for myself in this town. I'm proud to report that three weeks have gone by now, nearly three, and I haven't felt unsteady or crash-like. The way I put it to my best friend in Colorado over the weekend was that "I feel suspiciously happy." Then we talked about how someone possibly put a curse...

tis the season

I love Christmas time in New York City. To celebrate this wonderful time I of year, I've been going on dates again. My mantra of the moment is, "Don't get married." As our loyal readers are aware, I have a nasty habit of doing that. And I really like to do it, apparently, with people who I hardly know. So yeah, the "Don't get married" mantra is in full effect. I haven't felt compelled to marry anyone I've been on dates with this week… I've...

scooting and sites

Namaste cult collective For the past few days I have been scooting around midtown and the likes of Central Park with puppies in tow. Peanut doesn't pull quite how I had hoped, but a scooter is certainly no bike. At least pushing myself around is cardio. I think. And I heard cardio is healthy. Once again, I digress. So like I was saying, Scooter. Last Saturday I took the C train to W4th Street and wandered to the east side where I visited Urban...

wedding dresses
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