step one book step two puppies

Namaste and welcome to 2012 blog family. Yesterday whilst sitting at the head of my parent's living room table clacking away novel (that I have decided comes out this fall), something amazing happened. My eyes widened. I deleted a few words, clacked a few more. Crinkled my eyebrows. Laughed out loud. Said, "That's IT!" And immediately telephoned my best friend in Colorado to chant something along the lines of: "My God My God My GOOOOD! You know...

i wrote a lot today

I even wrote a few chapters I'm quite fond of. Sigh. Then I lit my Christmas tree and danced to this while long wavy ropes of a mane awaiting winter thrashed violently from side to side: 2:08 to 2:32, for example. Shout out to Italy. Mi deve imparare a parlare italiano nel 2012, così possoscrivere poesie in lingua italiana. Back to work...

young ghetto. ill inspired.

I love me some hip hop. So when Red Cafe jumped into my head earlier - I immediately scampered over to youtube land. Which is where I came across Young Ghetto. Apparently they're from the UK, which kind of makes me like them even more. When I was in Australia, I missed hip hop culture. I love watching it grow. Shout out Young Ghetto. Your skills are inspiring. I've been listening to this all day. Clicking away. Two of my favorite phrases:...
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