Today is the last day of 2009. When the year started, I was just becoming aware of my distaste for shackles. And now here we are... scripting, sashaying, and playing creative. Amazing what a year can bring!! Yesterday I was having a dance around Internet land peeping a few other blogs. I noticed that most of the 'popular' blogs have to do with making cash blogging or celebrity gossip... or sometimes having babies... so on that note, I'm not...
I have a confession to make. Although I was raised in the vicinity of my beloved New York City... I was not born on the East Coast.My entire gaggle of family members... all six of them... are from New Jersey. And I, the artistic black sheep that can't seem to fit in with any sort of 'normal' existence that doesn't involve my precious medium of words... was born in McHenry Illinois. A place that my sisters so affectionately refer to as...
In between tangents, playtime, and the occasional nervous breakdown... I'm trying to figure out what my deal is as a Writer. I'm busting out the novel but as I'm editing it at the moment... I'm asking myself if it's where my energy should be going, 'book writing'. I'm enjoying it, however as my broken record chant declares... I enjoy every kind of creative writing (and the occasional technical stint here and there). Truthfully, poetry has to be...
I have this thing about graveyards. Until I was about sixteen I just assumed everyone liked hanging out in cemeteries.When I first got my license the one thing more exciting than New York City being 75 miles away was the whole new range of graveyards to visit, wander around, write in, take photos at, etc... I'd even go to the extent of saying I find cemeteries peaceful - especially ridiculously old ones. Australia was colonized in 1788... the...