ringing in and out with my girls

This morning I awoke to chimes of messages from two of my sisters in Australia, the midnight hour just struck on their side of the world and they sang me awake with "LOVE AND MISS YOU"s!! Tonight will be spent with another one of my girls. As one of five girls myself, I'm completely partial to my ladies (no offense fellas...). 2011 was rough. Last year around this time, my depression was so out of control -  I actually stopped talking. When I...

i wrote a lot today

I even wrote a few chapters I'm quite fond of. Sigh. Then I lit my Christmas tree and danced to this while long wavy ropes of a mane awaiting winter thrashed violently from side to side: 2:08 to 2:32, for example. Shout out to Italy. Mi deve imparare a parlare italiano nel 2012, così possoscrivere poesie in lingua italiana. Back to work...

young ghetto. ill inspired.

I love me some hip hop. So when Red Cafe jumped into my head earlier - I immediately scampered over to youtube land. Which is where I came across Young Ghetto. Apparently they're from the UK, which kind of makes me like them even more. When I was in Australia, I missed hip hop culture. I love watching it grow. Shout out Young Ghetto. Your skills are inspiring. I've been listening to this all day. Clicking away. Two of my favorite phrases:...

R.I.P Bill

Roughly six months ago someone who I love very much, Andy, passed away suddenly. A few days ago, another High School companion, Bill, took his own life. I went to the funeral today. While I love everyone unconditionally (even my ex and the fake broad he's banging), there are very few people who I interact with in a "friendship" sense. The ones that do fill that space stick. The combination of me being a gypsy and my mother being somewhat...

now that we’re being honest

Namaste Blog Tribe This is an amazing time in my life. When I fired up this page, let me tell you - I didn't see any of it coming. Since we've all been chatting from back in 2009, I've mentioned quite a bit about my family here in the states (and our blog family) and I've also touched on spirituality, a tiny bit. Everyone has pieces that make them. These are mine. My teenage years were the worst time in my life, because I had to accept that my...
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