Five, six, pick up sticks

In order for me to earn my keep Mom said I had to pick up sticks... so yesterday was a day of stick picking, trying to un-jetlag myself, and chipmunk stalking. After that was all said and done, believe it or not... I was writing!! What a way to spend an afternoon! All  the while I thought to myself, surely this is the way it's gotta go down? I mean... it feels natural. Every day passing makes me a bit nervous because it's one day closer to...

Have you heard about what happened?

My parents hate New York City. They both grew up in Jersey and put a lot of energy into raising their five girls outside the grip of the inner city... so the fact that their youngest just can't seem to get enough of New York doesn't sit well with either of them, especially my mother. Every time I talk to Mom she has a new horror story about New York. When we spoke this morning the topic of discussion switched to 'Did you hear about the guy in...

Summer I shall miss thee

I haven't experienced more than three weeks of a New England winter in nearly seven years. Living in Queensland, AUS has certainly made me soft. The last time I saw snow was a family Christmas visit in 2007. I brought home a bottle of O.P. Bundaberg rum that was cracked open the night I arrived at my parents' house. My father and I had drinks and caught up around 2am which felt like noon according to my body clock. My loves-to-shop European...
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