crypto. sunday. got to.

Namaste visitors…

Every Sunday I’m going to pop in here. I’m sorry for talking shit about when I’ll be around.

My life has been here for over 10 years and I’m transient… to put it simple.

Simple isn’t something I really speak…

I wish I could boil and package all the things I haven’t said in a blahg and catch everyone up.

… but I also love being an absolute secret. It’s taken about five years to establish myself as that.

I reckon I’ve done alright…

After so much drama. More growth than words can say, I’m popping.

The only thing I wanted to do with this webpage was be honest. So I shut my mouth when I got to the point of not wanting to say anything.

It’s why I don’t really maintain any active socials.

It’s why I live on a big bad rock in the south pacific with a few other million heads.

Opposed to over 330 million USA kids.

… are you still “following”?

Lately I’m thinking about the puppies mainly… I’d like to find a co-host for my podcast.

I drank beer with a stranger before and danced in my back yard earlier.

I started beefing out a wallet because I finally took the time to start playing with cryptocurrency. Shame on me for taking so long…

I wrote blue gel ink poems and cried because Fronkles needed unexpected ear surgery which thankfully turned out alright.

I’m going to promise Sundays to these parts. I held myself in an anal regard of every day posts for years and, frankly, I struggled adjusting outside of that.

So let’s agree to Sunday.

Slowly but Sunday, I can bring us all back to my life. I’m starting to peek my head out of a hole to say Hi again.

… the story is nothing like you ever thought.

Love. Love.

… love.

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