money. library. sigorney weaver.

Happy Monday Cult Members

I went on my third interview (yes, third) with a joint in midtown that might give me a job… because my other jobs are making me wait too long… and broke-dom is setting in. I don’t think this job is going to pay me any money, but they’ll let me write a bit, and all 3 000 people I’ve interviewed with so far are cool.

And I’m all about cool people…

Right now I am writing you all from the New York Public Library on 5th Avenue. Writers and libraries go together like macaroni and cheese. There will be photos…

Speaking of photos. That’s Sigorney Weaver to your right. When I lived in Australia everyone wanted to know if I ever see famous people in New York City. Usually I’m too busy daydreaming to celebrity stalk. However, when I went to get my haircut in midtown on Friday… that’s right… Sigorney.

It was funny because she wasn’t wearing her sunnies at first. I, of course, was somewhere on a far away planet thinking about the story I’m going to write (have actually started) about a hairdresser. Anyways, I turned my head and casually thought, ‘Hey, that looks like Sigorney Weaver.’

I reckon Sigorney knew I was onto her because she slipped her sunnies on shortly after. When I’m famous I’m not gonna want people stressing me out when I stroll off Park Avenue for a pedicure, so I didn’t bother her.

I just casually twisted toward the mirror behind us and snapped this shot with my iPhone because as a daily blogger in New York City rolling with movie stars scores ill creds.


Writing in the library is so much fun… back to it.

2 thoughts on “money. library. sigorney weaver.

    1. i wasn’t going to bring it up… (LOL) she gets creds from me for not having plastic surgery… i have a whole new appreciation for make up artists…

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