Namaste blahg tribe
To keep things in perspective, I thought it worth bringing light today to the fact that I have no family on my favourite continent. And three of my five friends are in New York City.
In 2002 I was here for a wonderful love that lasted until it was finished which is when I started this webpage, to mend my broken heart.
I’ve literally been divorced three times since post number one, let that seep in.
As a little girl in the 80’s with four big sisters, everything was boys and love. I wanted all of that. Thought I had it for a minute, but what I had was an interesting phase of spiritual progression which concluded when my then partner ceased progressing.

I wrote three poetry books about it back then. I never think of him anymore.
I used to thrive on co-dependency. Not because I ever felt like I needed anyone, it was just really nice believing someone was there.
I’ve ranted over the years about my spiritual practice, how my ingrained belief since birth is the blunt understanding that we exist as one making it impossible to therefore be alone.
My heart extends to anyone who is sick right now, lost a loved one or entangled in quarantine chaos. My life hasn’t actually changed much to date. Don’t get me wrong, I understand this virus means nothing will ever be the same – but at the moment, I’m living pretty regularly.
Training a seven week old puppy when you have a 13 year old and 8 year old dog is real talk. I’m happy to be full-time home because I wouldn’t be able to give any of them the time and attention to adjust if I was, say, running around midtown Manhattan hustling words.
All of that word hustling brought me back home and I couldn’t be happier. I like to think the light of happiness can outshine any level of darkness that splats across our canvas.

So on that note, I’ll keep doing my thing. Meditating, manifesting, and most importantly — staying mindful. Oh, and writing.
… always writing. Never get it twisted. x o x