it was amazing

Jon Bulter Trio and Allen Stone were UNREAL!
 I woke up this morning proudly sporting my Allen Stone tshirt and immediately put on my new, SIGNED John Bulter Trio album.

I’m stuck on track four… Bullet Girl.

Both acts last night rocked my world. My companion and I shouldered our way to the front and proudly, wildly, danced, hollared, clapped and shimmied our faces off. There was a small group of Aussies to my left there representing. I felt homesick for a hot minute…

IMG_0083I must say, while Jon Butler Trio was undoubtably brilliant. Allen Stone rocked the shit out of that stage like few acts I have seen. The aura to this boy bursts violet and gold, and his pipes fill the atmosphere with delicious soul that tornadoes in your guts.


After the concert we meandered through Central Park back to Hell’s Kitchen for fried Thai rice and noodle soup. And that, blog family, is when I had the complete pleasure of meeting the most soulful, Tara Alexander. Her latest track, Fly, evoked smiles and shoulder rolling with my coffee this morning. When I finally get to New Orleans, or she and her family return to the city, we’ll all catch up again.

Post food we climbed the 800 steps into my apartment and made art. I met an illustrator a few days ago. So naturally, we’ve IMG_0078already started our first book. Yes. That totally happened. And I’ve got to tell you, the value to be in the presense of like-minded art creatures in invaluable. It’s lacked in my life since I came back from Australia.

My world has been saturated in such blessings of soulful sounds and music lovers during the past fifteen hours, I’m sure I’ll be twisting on the pavement during my wander to work.

Make sure you tell someone you love them today.


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