how it starts

I bumped my head the night we met and never saw things the same way again. The second day I saw him, we walked down a boardwalk along a salt-scented Brooklyn coastline. He wore sweatpants and a baseball hat and we talked about him being first generation and me having left for a decade. We comment on the different shades of green blossoms in each other’s eyes. He kisses me at Cony Island, on the subway and all other kinds of pubic places. “I...

for real for real

Namaste blog tribe Happy Friday all! I think I fell in love again this week. Since being out of a ten year marriage over five years now, I realize I fall in love a lot. I had a conversation with Rijn about this during her visit, we agreed it's the Poet in me. Poets are always falling in love, when else can you really write poetry? I don't think it's hard to fall in love, it's maintaining it that's the trick. To do that, it has to be a perfectly...

your girl

Namaste blog tribe She won... of course she won... It feels like yesterday that I was stomping the streets of Berlin with one of my favorite people in the world, the one and only - Ms. Rijn Collins. Whether we're having French food cocktail nights in the western suburbs of Melbourne or clinking celebratory cocktails at the Waldorf Astoria on Park Avenue, as we did yesterday, there are no words to encompass my love for this woman. So, as you can...

riding boats and breaking hearts

Namaste blog tribe So I dumped the Frenchman. We parted with respect to irreconcilable differences. He'll always be the lover who brought me gifts every time we were together and made me art when we were apart. I'll think of him fondly. Considering the amount of acquaintance-ships I've had that end hideously, that's something special.   In other news, I spent eight weeks recently floating on a boat. I sailed down the eastern seaboard, around a...

keep them guessing. not a brand.

I'm not a brand. Shout out to anyone who is. I, am not. I never want to be categorized as anything based on what I'm doing in any given moment. There are two things I'd own up to - being spiritual and being a Writer. But I'm not trying to create a "spiritual writer" brand by any means. Part of the reason I love writing edgy shit that makes people uncomfortable is because I'm so calm on the surface. I'm also a wide-eyed romantic, which is why I...
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