no, we can’t be friends

Everyone has opinions on whether to still be mates with someone after you shag. My stance? Oh hell no. There are a few reasons that set me in this position. Being a serial bride, I'm used to an inkling of committment. And a breakup, is exactlty that. A break of committment. When committment breaks, someone has decided the sexual relationship is over. That's when I bounce, blog family. My three best friends in New York City are male and I have...


I spent big chunks of weekend on the telephone to Australia. I haven't really slept since Thursday. Conversations sounded like this: "Yo. I'm glad I did it and everything... but seriously." "Yeah. You need to come home." #FollowMe(back)ToAustralia takes shape. There's a 36 month deadline. In three years, I'm so out. Considering it took three years to get me over here, back to New York City after nine years yonder - I'm about ready to step. Three...

someone has youtube

After being shitty over my second "husband" deleting all of my videos during another childish tantrum, I decided to fire youtube up again today. Uh oh. My first project from my video poetry page. Me reading The Summer That Burned Me over Mind One. That one hurt, blog tribe. Never trust a pair of violet eyes.  

the summer that burned me

the summer that burned me hibernating. to protect from outside weather. a fast season of summer came with sandy gold locks and violet blue eyes. convincing me temperatures stay the same. winter petals clenched. drooping to the floor. heat of his daylight, spring’s invitation. i filled with brisk air from autumn’s front door, prayer release. october invocation. a hot atmosphere stayed, at least it seemed - until months change, again. saying...

what is love. my homies.

Namaste blog tribe My homies and I have been chatting love recently. Last night I had an intersting conversation about the concept of Love. I love everyone. Even human creatures that I up front can't stand, deep down I love them. I have to. Even my ex-husband who I really can't stand, I still have to love him universally. Otherwise I think I'd be a shitty human, that's just how I live. So during our love conversation I naturally bitched about...
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