pattern disruption

pattern disruption I met you in the winter on my third day of Vivaldi’s Summer. I tend to find ways in my mind to disrupt ordinary patterns; like the dreary push that a cold New York City day in January might bestow upon a soul. Summer helped that. Vivaldi usually solves most of my problems. I was writing when we met. I told you I was on my second drink that day, when it was really my fifth. You sat next to me at the bar and asked what I was...

why blue pearl veterinary sucks

Hudson Animal Hospital and Blue Pearl Veterinary Partners suck. Here's why: Most of you are aware of mangy Fronkles  - who I rescued over the summer, from a pound camper parked on 82nd Street. Fronkles is the first New York City pound dog I saved. I can only imagine the conditions he was in. I never thought about mange before, because I never rescued a neglected puppy before. From the research I'e done, mange makes perfect sense. Frankie was in...

to want another way

to want another way he. abruptly. rearranged. my life re-became something i could desire. unable to chase or want or crave or describe the ways that i want(ed). him. with something above my shoulders and beyond the height i used to assume and become. because he was more than that. than anything. my lip bled with a clamped tooth type of way. and while i sang this song of a heartbeat; he danced in a circle around the way my soul learned to...

freedom dancing. shake it.

Ever since I abruptly stopped being shitty, in addition to writing more and creating more art, I've been dancing more. I rearranged my apartment on Saturday to make it more dance-party friendly. I'm considering an impromptu New Year's Eve Party. I do live in Times Square, after all. Anyways, after rearranging my place Saturday morning, David came over to celebrate the new dancing space. We dropped it hot crazy to Nicki  Minaj and Cassie. Any...

when he walks (backwards)

when he walks (backwards) his skin was abruptly m(y) landscape to discover one other reason i became so quiet. it took years to achieve a possible concept. i straightened in a shoulder down, head up position. and i never told him. a w(8) of masculinity. how long can… might catch him. be/cause he consistently swore. he would. find me. while i blushed, he found another way to strut and hold something i exclusively reveal to a certain over six...
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