holding up. standing up.

Yesterday I was visited by one of my favorite people, president of our cult board - David. Since I still can't walk at the moment, I have been very spoiled with visitors coming to check in on me this week. David and I giggled and gabbled, clanked wine glasses, and generally loved each other. Then we started talking about the pile of notebooks I am still due to go through. Our general consensus? "Damn. That's a lot of books." Buried in the pile I...

affirm return of the sun

Happy Friday the 13th! It feels like only yesterday we were celebrating the day of all things spooky. It's been nearly two months since I decided to get over my divorce. I'm glad I made the decision to go to therapy. Having a personality scientist spell things out that I probably didn't want to face (definitely didn't want to face) has helped me immensely. I don't think psychologists can cure depression, but they can put you in the position...

fluid extinction

fluid extinction what if. i wore definitions of different around my belt; like it could hold something up. a place of above generic. understanding, knowledge that you could even conceive a chance of another. while i bleed, justify shared ideologies. you are something of another where i can finally feel complete. ended. as i chase something. i cannot contact. i extend beyond a barrier of you ringing. out. unanswered. weighing the wait of my plea....

remix death

No matter how well I feel, I'll always attempt to address darkness through my Writing. Just because one might be lucky enough to live a life protected from it - doesn't mean it isn't there. I look at the world very ying-yang-y. With all light comes darkness, with every darkness there is light. Balance. remix death the minute you walk (ed). like a tense of past. like you thought. like i could never spool refreshed. piles of late (st). where you...

sweat it out

Namaste blog family. I'm going to hot yoga tonight. I used to practice back when I lived in Queensland. My psychologist says I need to get out. When she asks what I like doing, I say "Working." Maybe it's my Virgo Sun? I wrote the end of my novel earlier. The actual last paragraph. Sure I've got two ga-gillion pages to get through and switch around into how I like. But it's for real about to be done. In addition to offering writing workshops at...
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