holding up. standing up.

Yesterday I was visited by one of my favorite people, president of our cult board – David.

Since I still can’t walk at the moment, I have been very spoiled with visitors coming to check in on me this week.

David and I giggled and gabbled, clanked wine glasses, and generally loved each other. Then we started talking about the pile of notebooks I am still due to go through. Our general consensus?

“Damn. That’s a lot of books.”

Buried in the pile I found an old joke book that I filled sometime during my nine year Australian excursion.

And you know what blog family? Some of the jokes are pretty funny…

From 2001 – 2002 I was doing sets two or three times a week. My favorite place remains Comic Strip Live, probably because that’s where I took my first comedy writing course. Also because it’s the home of D.F. Sweedler who is another one of my favorite people, though it has been too long between catch-ups.

There’s an open mic at Comic Strip tomorrow. I’m not sure if I’ll be ready for that one… but maybe I’ll be ready for the one that’s on Tuesday. As I continue to settle and feel better, I’m remembering my life ten years ago before I decided to go live another one for a decade. Stand-up was fun… and I reckon I could use a bit more of that.

Exciting stuff blog family!! Today I shall extract five minutes from my joke book and prepare to grab a microphone next week!

Thank you David for listening to my paragraphs of sillies and helping sort out the “Yup keep that one, lose that one… HA! DEFINITELY keep that one!”

… exciting!!


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