we interrupt this story to bring you poetry…

the making of with and for His hush floats into my insomnia, And I learn to say please in seven ways. It’s become an obsession ammonia. Released from my body in red-eyed gaze. Ravenous for evolving distraction. My impatient clock awaits his return. Finding new ways to express reaction. Flexing my thighs to display how I yearn. Attempts to resist, a transparent veil. My body wrapped in blankets of his scent. Measuring weight of each shallow...

blog sorting, word spilling, job getting

We're approaching blog post 200 fellow cult members and art tribe. I'm sure there's probably some magic way of arranging my page to make it look better in a lot of ways... I'm going to ponder on this over the week. I've decided to submit another story since my last one was accepted, only took 31 years!! I guess that means the next victory will be somewhere around the 62 mark? Dudes... As much as it'd be great to front a wealthy lifestyle of no...

last day and back to it.

Tomorrow I fly back to Brisbane. This week was meant to be a 'break' ... for reasons I'm still sorting out, I must say that's not what it felt like at all. The writing that I've done over the past few days has been fiercely emotional. As a Writer, some creative pieces are just that ... creative. They're words born to paint scenarios in a unique way that expresses my style and connect me with the world. Other pieces are me processing days, taking...

free steak for meatloaf

Last night started off with climbing trees and ended up with karaoke. And for the record I do NOT sing karaoke. I have no issue standing in front a New York City crowd and spitting funnies... but you will never find me propped between a mic stand and a host named Eddie leading the room in a chorous of We are the champions. No way. For some reason Botchy ended up singing a Meatloaf song, which presently escapes me (I can't imagine why?). After he...

rejection schmejection. viva salt water.

I've gotten two rejection letters in the past week after submitting a micro-fiction piece and some poetry. This is the first time I've submitted anything since... hmmm... 2006? Needless to say I got back two big fat NO!s Although I must say one of the NO!s actually offered constructive criticism and encouraged me to submit again... all within an extensive reply. I thought that was a very nice touch... In the meantime the work I post online has...
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