settle. learn. scribble.

Alright. I think it's officially sunk in that I was recently whisked away on an escapade to Italy for a week of utter bliss and incomparable romance. My relationship with the luthier has essentially evolved beyond language. I'm settling into life, it's strange. I still have itchy feet and tend to be short with my spoken words - alas, my world is entirely different. Like, everything is completely different. I was trying to explain this to my...

day 13. “two”.

Two (an excerpt) “We kiss in Sperlonga,” he promises. “…my voice is F flat, it’s terrible. I know this.” “I only dream of you,” I tell him. “Every night. Every night, I dream of your touch.” “Every dream, I feel your touch.” He’s been in Italy for two weeks and we’ve been together two months and there have been two other humans in my life to turn my head. But… nothing like this. When his voice touches the...

day four. what you miss.

I miss coffee in the morning. I miss watching him roll cigarettes. I miss waking up next to him, which is crazy because I usually refuse to sleep next to anyone, generally speaking. I miss how my heart drops the second I see him after being apart. I miss kissing him goodbye at the subway. There's something therapeutic to me about obsession. People fuck love up all the time. To me, having a lover to keep comes down to one major factor: obsession....


The neighbors didn’t know if they loved or hated what they were hearing. But they definitely heard. Because the two of us weren’t quiet. Like, when I exhaled, the bed frame rattled. And when he whispered, the floor vibrated. And the entire time, we smoked and drank espresso. There was nothing in the refrigerator, except for dark chocolate (90%!) and champagne. I always kept a fresh glass of water on the night table, the one on my side of the...

dissotterrare zelo

dissotterrare zelo era come Guardò fuori per me. e noi innamorarsi prima che qualcuno avuto la possibilità a lampeggiare. sognare ... prima non avrei mai potuto essere qualcosa Che si adatta un certo forma; H e I formata insieme. E i miei occhi ha aperto. le mie labbra disse. Niente. unearth zeal it was like he looked out for me. and we fell in love before anyone had a chance to blink. to dream… prior to i could never be something that fits...
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