Beginning Conclusion

Conclusion commençant Je commencé étirement nouveau Dans la cuisine, à l’étage. Je commence à écrire dans différents Encres de couleur . Violet... Or… Je commencé à cuisiner des desserts Parce que la vie avait un goût plus doux Léchant des cuillères et tenant par la main. Je brûlé… encens… __________________Je commencé à regarder la lune. __________________________________________Encore. I started stretching again In the...

i’m still thinking in french…

Ma vision effacée. Tout à coup ... voir; Il était au-dessus de moi, déjà à l'intérieur. Mon cœur a appris à refleurir. Ace de tasses. Et le ciel est plus bleu, la lumière du soleil d'or. Inspirez un moment, expirez toujours. Nuits pleines d'étoiles après des années de l'obscurité - Ne voyant pas la maladie jusqu'à ce que vous êtes mieux. Il a enflammé mon âme, une étincelle de pinceau. "Je suis juste derrière vous," les...

baby. i just…

To(o) Much I turned. My Head facing a… Howl. Like Slowed. I Stop(Ped). I rode A window to(o) Touch. He put a… (Pen in my hand) (Octave in my…) Breath. Do you Know the rhythm. I. Strike. Everybody talks About How we wrote right And left Handed while I walked. Pas(sed)t. Baby… … Slow. (Mmm) Ocean. I scribbled. A Way. That prove: To, Much.

your socks

The last night I saw you was the only night my dog ever pissed on my floor. She did it while you were here doing drugs in my bathroom that were delivered by my dealer in a silver BMW about twenty minutes ago. These are things that happen in Manhattan. I’ve known you for almost two years now and you have begged and pleaded and played on the weakness my divorce cut me with and broke both of my knees. I’ve given you a lot. Too much. Things I...

hurricane draft

hurricane draft when it started… hearing his voice (like sunlight on your face) became… natural. and his words were… (wind in your hair) Art. to make you. pace. blown away - (mon trésor, mon amour) cattails. floating on the breeze.

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