without sounding sooky

I think that weaving words in bite-y ways without sounding sooky is a true talent. As I work my way through Novel, I'm trying to be conscious of not sounding too angry, not sounding too "wah". Naturally I have composed a tale of tortured lovers in a failed attempt to make a life in an unfamiliar land. And it hurts blog family, oh Lord is it rough. I figure I released love poems three years in a row, I penned the most abundant syllables to...

itchy foot nomad

When humans hurt me, I move. And the worse the hurt... the further the distance. My initial 2002 departure to Australia was sprung by a dapper physicist with glassy green eyes who ran my heart through a meat grinder. He's married with two children, I still get the occasional email. The next time my heart was shredded into an unidentifiable pile of slimy red flaps was by my first husband. And the day I decided to leave, really leave, was the day...

morning. my monday night.

I've probably mentioned before, I'm a morning person. I seem to experience my most perfect moments of divine clarity before the sun rises. I wake up between 4 and 5 every day. Considering that my job is a 10 minute walk from my apartment - it's almost like having a whole day before I dip into work land for a few chunks of hours. Morning is when I compose my most favorite bits of writing, and when I welcome another day strolling through Central...

embrace your crazy

I'm in a mood today blog family. It's my standard, disgruntle, growly swing that I attempted to manage this morning with a bit of fresh poetry. After I got my face walked on by my first husband and landed at the shrink, she made an effort (twice) to send me to a psychiatrist. An offer which I respectfully declined because I, for one, embrace my crazy. My logic stems from Earth being utterly insane. The way of this planet has evolved into putting...

fireworks and boats

Summer is very official in New York City at the moment. Yesterday was the 4th of July and I sat on the roof  with three boys and watched the Macy's Fireworks action for the first time ever. Now I get what the big deal is. This was my second 4th of July in ten years. I got pretty used to Australia Day. For my man's birthday, we cruised around Manhattan on a yacht. Today we're whisking to the Catskills, camping has become a much required weekend...
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