vintage dress. cowgirl boots.

My new neighborhood of Sunnyside is filled with thrift shops. A few days ago I stomped the streets in search of cheap goodies. I scrummaged through fox shawls and dusty shoes in search of the type of treasures that only come second-hand. The result? A flowered vintage dress and pair of raspberry cowgirl boots. Making the four mile voyage from my previous tower in midtown to a brick, backyard-having townhouse has instilled a search for simplicity...

three years

Namaste blog family My head has been exploring so many territories that September 21 came and went - that means we're kicking into year four here in blog land. Three years strong behind me. I think the last twelve months have been the craziest. FollowMeToNYC came to be to get to New York City and write, and for the past year that's exactly what I've been doing. That's not all... I landed a crazy job and married a crazy boy who I am mad about....

setting reasonable goals

My best friend of 30 years and the few other warm-blooded lovelies close to me would agree on a few things about my character beyond odd. For example, my constant "I'm doing this!"-athons that carry on until that particular episode is over. Such as the FollowMeToNYC roots born of my claim, "Alright Australia, I need a New York City break for a few years... let's blog til we get there." I'm not sure if it's just the Virgo in me or happens to be...

evasive misery

I was discussing pieces of novel around midnight. The protagonist in my novel is anguished. A lot of feedback about my creative fiction pieces comments on dark undertones. I suppose there's special irony in me also penning books about benefits of positive affirmations and self-healing... Everyone has their own outlet, I guess. I someone earlier that I appreciate good writing that captures despair because I think most humans become lost in such a...

happy to see you happy

In the past week two people I love and respect said in separate instances something that sounded like, "It's so good to see you happy." While the kind words stretched my record wide smile of late even wider, they also got me thinking of how miserable I was for a minute there. Then I started thinking about the three years of my life woven through these pages. Three continents, two husbands, five jobs, two puppies, six different houses and heaps...
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