see you at 4am

So a bestie of mine phoned earlier to advise that he's dropping one of our other bestie's off at JFK airport at 3am then swinging over. I'm expecting him somewhere between 3.30 - 4am. A lover gave me Bulgari perfume and fresh cut flowers yesterday. The gesture shocked me. I'm 34 years old, no man has ever presented be with glass contained fragrance before. Furthermore, the gesture was extraordinarily considerate seeing as this particular perfume...

run upwards. and run downwards.

Regardless of what I express lyrically, my soft spot stays with musicians - particularly the ones that manage to weave words in line with some type of tune. It's easier said then done blog family. But, in terms of ocean blue - my neck twists and shoulders roll in ways I long to be understood: "It grows outwards... and it holds you..."

for you

While I was trekking back to town from Australia, I tended to mention what New York City tastes like or smells like or sounds like.  This morning, New York City looked like a sealed envelope labeled "For you", hanging from a tree branch in Central Park. Inside of the envelope? A poem by Fernardo Pessoa. I was with my lover when he initially spotted an orange envelope addressing anyone / everyone / all of us. Before we had enough time to talk...

midtown. dogs.

When I was a little girl, and we would make our yearly New York City trip from the country, my eyes used to roll out of my head toward every dog I saw. It was hard enough to accept that people actually lived in the expansive skyscraper jungle of Manhattan. Seeing people with dogs blew my mind. I grew up on acreage where neighborhood dogs roamed free. I couldn’t imagine a dog being in an apartment, particularly an apartment someplace like Fifth...

Frankie Part Two

Basically since Saturday life has revolved around Frankie. The demands of a pound dog are full-on, even when it's a perfect baby like my little rescued angel. My most important mission has been to have him and Peanut loving each other. It seems to be working, although she doesn't like when he tries to do puppy jumps on her. She hasn't quite become trusting enough to play like she did with her brother - yet. On top of his cold, caused by complete...
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