sit sleep soho and spills

This evening I ran around Sit, Sleep, Soho in the west village. I bounced on futons and slung ourselves across cow hide lounges. In the end, a high back blue chair with spaceship back and matching foot rest won us over. My Sunnyside abode is without many furnishings bar a few plants and two small puppies, I like it that way. While I am ever on a desk hunt, I think the chair nicely compliments the other two pieces of furniture in the apartment....

book. bike.

The puppies and I have a new bike! I have been missing my red bicycle since migrating to New York City last September and the puppies have been longing for a good run. You can imagine how overjoyed I was to come home from work Friday to the sight of a proud husband and two dancing puppies standing around the yellow bicycle that would heal the heartbreak of having to leave good old Red behind. The past two days have been spent being pulled around...

over one million

My eyeballs nearly rolled out of my head yesterday when I realized that over ONE MILLION reads have occurred in FollowMeToNYC land. It was one of those moments when progress occurs. In this instance, I looked down at my lap full of puppy and exclaimed, "Jesus. I still can't believe the puppies made the hike from Australia to New York City. Amazing." I've been "blogging" for a minute... Considering how Facebook (along with its recent place on the...

family formed. week off.

Over the past year, I've taken a total of three days off. This is a stark contrast to the four weeks of vacation I'm used to gaining as a standard job contract down under. I don't go back to work until Thursday. I am fortunate to have a five day weekend in place to help get the puppies settled. I must say, however, that they don't seem to be having any issue catching up where we left off. I've been walking them every few hours. We found a few...


Please forgive my absence over the past 72 hours beautiful family of blog. It has been filled with PUPPIES! Planning and preparing... airport-ing and freighting... AND THEY'RE HERE! There really aren't any words to express my glee. To be back at my computer, clacking away, with my two furry babies sleeping at my side brings a peace I have lacked for at least eleven months. Picking them up at the airport yesterday was wild. Timothy and I rented a...
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