cupcakes, drag queens, and pint size gin and tonics

Before I get into a summary of weekend events it needs to be said that no one parties like my gay family gets down... throw some drag queens in the mix and it just gets that much more hectic. Take my Saturday night as an example, I was lucky to attend my girl Essence's birthday bash. Essence had two other performers in tow, like the one there on the right... Two further things to note about the photo to support my claim... 1. The cracked mirror....

drinkin beer and catchin fish

Even with all the 'i heart-ness' I harbor for New York City, I dig the woods... note how I don't say 'country'... because areas that are too country like the Boonsville Scaryland where no one has teeth and extra fingers and toes frighten me. I grew up running around barefoot outside eating dirt, climbing, trees, and shooting frogs with a bb gun (which I still feel bad about, bloody Yanks and guns). Therefore, the forest is just something else...

now you’re in NEW YOOORK!!

New York City smells like Chinese food, patchouli incense, the cologne of delivery boys, the roses for sale on each street corner, and Jamaican nannies wafting coconut trails from perfectly woven braids. It sounds like Hot 97 pumping from Escalades, taxis blasting, laughter on the streets, musical shopfronts from Tom Petty to Rancid to languages I've never heard, and people saying things to their friends like 'What you need is a make over,' or a...

lots of people want to be writers

This morning as I settled into the hunched-over-laptop pose that I form seven or eight hours a day, Mom says 'Gretchen, lots of people want to be writers. Too many people, that's why only some people actually get to do it.' Maybe that's true... but I'd like to hear about how hard people are willing to bust their ass to make it happen. And let's face it, it isn't really the sort of thing with a million doors open and employers saying, 'Creative...


I consider every human being my family... as hippy-esque as this might sound. At 31 years old, you can't change who you are. Putting this aside, we're still born into a particular circle. This time around my circle contains a Sicilian/Polish mother whose grandparents are literally straight off the boat and a German/Pommy dad whose family is a bit more of a mystery... but it's safe to say, we're generic Yanks... a European mix with interesting...
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