last day and back to it.

Tomorrow I fly back to Brisbane. This week was meant to be a 'break' ... for reasons I'm still sorting out, I must say that's not what it felt like at all. The writing that I've done over the past few days has been fiercely emotional. As a Writer, some creative pieces are just that ... creative. They're words born to paint scenarios in a unique way that expresses my style and connect me with the world. Other pieces are me processing days, taking...

serialized fiction (part 4 of 4)

I wandered down Brunswick Street past hungry eyes feeding out of café shop fronts. That’s when I saw him sitting on the kerbside. There were suddenly no static utterances. We were driving back from Mum’s house during that horrendous spring storm. The car lost control quicker than he could handle. The wheels screeched like a mother bird watching her eggs swallowed by a hungry snake. Next came the crunch of our roof against asphalt. The third...

serialized fiction (part 3 of 4)

I decide to stop talking. No one ever answers me and time lapses in ways that makes me forget what I ask. In order to justify the progression of my introverting the mother continues to tell people I’m on drugs. Listening to the cork of a second red wine bottle pop, I’d hear her telling her friends that she just didn’t know where to turn. I left the mysterious homestead and woke up in Melbourne. The best part about the city is that...

serialized fiction (part 2 of 4)

Emotions are a roller coaster of intoxication. Certain days when I demand to know where Jacob is the mother tells me, ‘Under the couch last time I saw him sweetie.’ Sometimes I collapse to my knees and check to see, other days I want to strangle her. I’m erratic and irritable. I can’t identify anyone. I tell the mother I think I have amnesia and grow sadder with the seasons. I only wear black and the sisters tease me. The mother develops...

serialized fiction (part 1 of 4)

Daybreak beams extend through the timbre skyline splashing shadows around our wooded sanctuary. Electric green clover patches praise the early hours. The one sound beside our two beating hearts is the river beside us. It is consistent and revealing, the way we were (the way we are). Being next to him feels different, like we’re within one another instead of alongside. We’re sharing the squishy riverbank. My fingertips and toes quiver in an...
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