let the beatings begin

Per the expert advice of CJ I put together a video blog today. If you like you can watch it here. YouTube is another mysterious land in Internet world that I visit from time to time. I understand its value in making new friends and finding old cult members... it just seems too close to television to me a lot of the time. But don't get me wrong, I've encountered insane amounts of talent within YouTube world - I think most people have. I...


Inspiration is like crack rock to Artists. I personally think it gets worse as I age. I begin to overflow with angst if too long passes in between my treasured moments of sanity when I feel inspired. The rest of the time in between is... well... just that. Time in between. Today was very fabulous because two different music tracks inspired two very different poems. In the writing group I co-host, common conversations are about how creative work...

eventide’s absolution

You make an awake choice to seek tenderness; it’s different from the sleeping settlement you enter where distance is acceptable. (not telling is ok.) Instead of hiding hindrances and habits, you open every window on the veranda, listen to the thick spring wind rattle rusty hinges, make yourself an espresso martini, and light another cigarette. You prop yourself against the raspberry velvet cushion that you bought from St Vinnies last week,...

sidestepping a pattern of uneven pace

Dear Mr Pick-up Truck Slowing down at the white painted -------------criss cross slamming on the breaks. Your intention is not one of courtesy. Long legs strut past you with a manicured wave. Another wanted whistle swallowed. A smile that just might make your morning. Mr. Bald rubber rubbed down fantasy. When you thought about saying that the reason is not to obey. Laws about traffic. It’s a summoned… Observation. Of the way I ... float.

more train poetry and the moon at my house

I don't understand much about the stars down here. All of the constellations are different and if it doesn't involve the words 'southern cross' I really don't know what you're talking about. However... I have no issue lying on the roof of anyone's car miles outside of a city watching shooting stars for hours. Those are some of my favorite kind of nights. Living in a city, the star views are never great. But a full moon is just as glorious from...
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