rejection schmejection. viva salt water.

I've gotten two rejection letters in the past week after submitting a micro-fiction piece and some poetry. This is the first time I've submitted anything since... hmmm... 2006? Needless to say I got back two big fat NO!s Although I must say one of the NO!s actually offered constructive criticism and encouraged me to submit again... all within an extensive reply. I thought that was a very nice touch... In the meantime the work I post online has...


Today I am going to the beach. I will not be staring into space until my body pours poetry nor will I be finalizing script pages. I shall seek solace in salt water. You see... I'm slightly homesick. Even though we've previously established I can't really afford a 'home' anywhere, changing places makes you miss people. As much as I understand that, it doesn't make anything easier. So today I go to the beach and literally wash it off, because I've...

life is poetry

I think one of my problems with putting together some sort of anthology is that whenever I reach the time slot allocated to 'organizing' writing... I get distracted and start writing poems for some reason. Something in me at the moment insists on creating. So create now... organize in near future. I'm usually insanely organized down to my Virgo sun but things like seasons and stars and life start to distract me and the next thing you know......

what’s born of a balmy night

The other night I mentioned on Twitter that I was going to write a story about a staircase and a balmy night. Then I got distracted and wrote some book. In any event, every evening where I presently reside is balmy at the moment. It's quite lovely when the sun goes down. Here is how recent PM hours inspired my poetry... i'm crap with titles. untitled Some nights you walk through the atmosphere. Not around it, not within. Straight… through....

picnic in the park & thoughts on writing

My South American sister Consuelo and I had a Valentine's Day picnic in the park yesterday. There's a lot of debate over V-Day. As usual, I see both sides. I don't really want a lover giving me colored cardboard out of capitalist force - but a day dedicated to making out is fine by me. We drank Italian champagne and New Zealand (shout out to Kerry!)  sauvignon blanc. It beautifully complemented an assortment of Mediterranean treats like...

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