
Today I am going to the beach. I will not be staring into space until my body pours poetry nor will I be finalizing script pages. I shall seek solace in salt water.

You see… I’m slightly homesick.

Even though we’ve previously established I can’t really afford a ‘home’ anywhere, changing places makes you miss people. As much as I understand that, it doesn’t make anything easier.

So today I go to the beach and literally wash it off, because I’ve been working too hard to let one of my nervous breakdowns stuff it up. Not that I’m not a fan of emotional overwhelmingness, it’s simply a matter of timing.

Here’s another poem I wrote yesterday… when I wasn’t finishing up the final version of Act 1.





you used to(o)

Licking chocolate from hungry fingertips.
Spreading sweetness through dry kissing goodnights
in a grade eight kind of way. Holding hands without squeezing.

People complained about the noise.
Keeping secrets in the angry silence
of my inadvertent shield. Protected from something prodigious.

A high-heel strut that walks on whistles.
Newness replaced with outfits replaced with sarcasm
replaced. As in fallen in a rapid towering down kind of way.

My ace in a house of cards.
Pride over shines light
creating new shadows. With the consistent presence of gold.

I realize

You used

2 thoughts on “beach

  1. Quit being a tease. I’m stuck under a couple feet of snow..and more is coming Thursday..I could handle the beach about now.

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