inside independence

So here’s the thing, completely having my days to mySelf with no requirement of meeting anyone else’s requests or expectations is essentially the best thing to go down in the past 42 years that I’ve been strolling around.

I spend a lot of time at the beach. I take the puppies on two massive walks every day that probably accomodate about 25% of my waking hours. As of late I’m learning and practicing art therapy. I just finished my yoga practice.

After twenty years in and out of the work game, I’m extremely gracious for the time I have right now. I understand how important it is to make every day count. Because while being a big shot Manhattan executive was pretty fun and certainly educational, I don’t really want to work for anyone else anymore.

That said, I’m not wasting any time on ‘what if…’ at the moment. I’m living in the present and appreciating every day. Being able to do whatever I want every day suits me, and my plan is to put my energy toward maintaining this lifestyle.

I know what you’re thinking, anyone with that opportunity would say the same thing. And I completely agree. The difference is seizing it. Part of why my first marriage fell apart was because my husband never believed I would get to where I am right now. No matter how many times I swore to him I’d figure it out somehow.

And here I am.

My focus now is to design a methodology where people can tap into their own psyche to achieve what I’ve achieved. I feel like my last twenty years out in the big bad world have been pretty incredible. I used to put everything down to intuition, to really knowing who you are and what you want.

But I’ve realised that’s a sort of selfish way to explain how to figure out to navigate your greatest destiny and make every day amazing. Sure we all have shit days, I don’t think we really have to though. Regardless of how many I boo hoo through myself.

I was speaking with one of my favourite New York City poets yesterday about how as Artists we embrace all of our emotions, perhaps we even over dramatise them. And we have no desire to stop doing that, because then we wouldn’t be who we are.

My plan is to help other people peel away layers using Art to realign themselves and redirect their focus to really achieve their dreams. Break yourSelf down.

I reckon I’m onto something…

Oh, and PS. My best friend is starting to feel better…

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