bermuda. my love. life.

Namaste blog family
Photo on 5-7-13 at 7.34 AM #6

I’m back in Bermuda at the moment. As I’ve mentioned, work has required me to travel here from time to time over the past 12 months. One day I hope to holiday here. Work days are super long when I visit these parts. I work until midnight usually and return to the office at eight.

It’s a good thing I love my job, otherwise… I might be cranky.

Alas, work no longer makes me cranky. Working in the guts of New York City (and of course, living in the guts of town) has proven to be another solar system to Australia. For example, last week, a headhunter called me and tried to steal me from my current job. Furthermore, he/she tried to entice me with a salary about 45 grand higher than my present rate of survival.

That actually happened. Alas, I cannot be purchased. Loyalty matters. And my boss is dope. He teaches me things and lets me write.

While I miss and adore down under, and know in my bones that a decade from now I will likely settle somewhere in a patch of her tropics – my mission to NYC has blossomed. I am doing all I can to embrace it, while also healing from a first husband who – put simply – just wasn’t nice to me.

Photo on 5-7-13 at 7.35 AMIt sucks when someone smashes you like that. Ironically, since escaping his neglectful nastiness, I have managed to meet who I sincerely adore. He brings me flowers and wipes my tears. He reads my work and rubs my feet. And I was terrible to him for months, because of an Australian relic who sent me reeling. I was terrible to myself too.

I think back to my days of daily posts and long for them, I know I’ll get there again. There just aren’t enough characters of blog to capture the feelings and reflections.

But there is a book. I ponder and nurture her daily. Oh life, with all the tricks and terms you’ve shot me during 34 years. I’m amazed at the average length of time humans are actually capable of enduring this planet.

Love to all of you and yours. Be easy on yourself. Even when if feels impossible.

2 thoughts on “bermuda. my love. life.

  1. Darling, I miss you….this post felt sad and I related to the feeling. I’ve woken up today feeling deeply down. I need a project, I think. Time perhaps for my writing to grow up a bit. Take care of you xoxox

    1. Your writing grows daily like wildflowers woman, truth be told. Melancholy is a condition I have been aiming to shed for too long now. I’d like to hold your hand and step out. See you in Europe… I love you. x

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