malaga. cross country. australia.

Next week I’m off to Spain, a week after that I’m driving across the country with one of my favorite boys and the puppies, from Los Angeles – it’s back to Australia.

Goodness me… goodness me…

Excitement isn’t quite the word to grip all of the happenings around me, fulfillment is better.

Not only have I been rocking the shit out of New York City for six and a half years, I’m finding my way home in the exact timeframe I said I would. I have written so many stories and been paid in such a diverse mix of Writer gigs; the idea of tucking myself back into a little house somewhere in Brisbane to relax with the love of my life under a couple of mango trees could not be more enticing.

It’s been interesting observing American culture. Sure I grew up around here, but everything changes – I guess that’s part of the beauty of life. I’m excited to experience the changes that have happened back home since I’ve been gone.

One change I’m kind of ambivalent and confused about is the enormous social media blow up. I remember when I first came across blah-gs all those years ago and figured I should have one as a Writer. Plus it was a good distraction to update this every day while I lived out the ass end of my first marriage and put every strand of my DNA into getting to Manhattan.

This online exposure has evolved into a youtube culture of how many followers does she have and how many hits did this get. I’m happy for the crowd getting money in this scope, but I don’t like being a forced receiver of having it shoved down my throat. And I can confidently say, in this country, it’s shoved down your throat.

Since I was a little girl I imagined piling up my writing books plump with inky secrets that I only share with who I love the most. I’ve stayed true to this, even with some of my words showing up here or there.

Australia is one of the most far-away, silent stories I’ve lived. I can’t wait to get back.

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