midnight on my best valentine(‘s)

We’re moving blog tribe. Upper West Side. Bet.

When life changes rapidly, I’ve remembered the most wonderful way of recollecting. I’m not even sure if that maks sense. But you know us Artists. These flightly dream-thoughts, and such…

Never the less.

I helped manifest a living space with a legitimate bedroom and a patio that equivocates to the average square footage of the two midtown studios I have dwelled in over the past 36 months.

And I’m writing poetry

spiegel im spiegel

i stretched again when he touched my shaking
at midnight on valentine’s day. we kissed
in new york city and he said that my …
we … there was this: recognized. of flavor.
to realize you are only you in
what was never captured or seen or missed.
redefine yes and assassinate; “Bye.”
cracked bones. repairing. from once. devoured.
identifying my only making.
photos of prior blissfully dismissed.
replacing. dead. life. with each breathless sigh.
sky scraping spine. another world tower.
we sang youth dreams and sipped evening tea. you
identify me. and we define we.

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