never a brand

I will never be a brand. A publisher or PR person will have an issue with this. And all this associates with why I’ve never wanted my ART to be my salary.

Money is gross. The world has been built and warped in westernised ways where it takes bread to get by. I get that. That’s why I worked for so long with the trust in our higher power that freedom would eventually find me and give me the capacity to help and do my greatest good.

I’m swimming in that now blahg family… flying free like usual. But super close to figuring ‘it’ out.

There are too many sides of me to be anything. So many successfuls shit on about their brand. I’m happy they’ve got money, but I can’t relate.

I feel like what makes me ME and enables me to add the greatest value to US is that I don’t align myself completely with anything. I mean, I’m an Artist. I’m spiritual.

That’s what I’ve got. Beyond that, see me any day and make a judgement if you need to.

It’s really gross (to me) that the new new is to hear humans getting money for some sort of mention about this or that being ‘on brand’.

What the fuck does that even mean?

I can’t ever let anyone direct my Art because that’s what the business wants.

My experience in business was writing for real business. All those pieces everyone complains about but inadvertently participates in every day… I researched it Wall Street style for close to a decade.

My art isn’t a business. I will never write the way anyone tells me to. I don’t need or want the approval of a system to validate my soul. I don’t need Amazon to put out my pieces. I can’t stomach advertisements on any corporate medium.


… I think I’m going to start talking every day again.

Love, miss and value you blahg cult. One love. Always.

These are my two favourite songs today. Suck that up your brand.

#writerslife fuckers x o x

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