With my North Queensland trip ticking down for a 10 August launch, I’m thinking…
… where am I going to live?
For the past twenty years, since I left the house I grew up (leaving an inked note in the middle of the night); the longest place I stayed anywhere was three years… and that’s because I was traveling most of that time.
I’m usually on the 12 – 18 month plan. Tops…
So with my sights finally and freely set on creating a spiritual sanctuary, I’m not trying to go someplace and then bounce a few months later via my signature Gretchen Cello style.
My trip to the top end is one option. I might go south, I might go west. Regardless of where I go, I’m planning on staying there a few years. Long enough to grow a community, food, art, knowledge and stuff, etc.
You catch my drift.
There’s something I’m working on at the moment that I’ve promised myself to complete prior to setting off. So my days have been taken up with that as well as dancing with the puppies, reading poems and playing TikTok.
I’ve created a mini portable garden in the yard which is making my food taste better. After three days of rain, my first tomatoes popped this morning. Upon first sight I squealed with delight, frolicking in remaining sprinkles of the recent sky splashes — three puppies at my feet.
Regardless of not knowing quite where my feet will plant next, I expect roots. I know it’s going to be beautiful. I close my eyes in trance and see trees and smell salt water. Green things and life.
We leave in 12 days.
(… eeeeeehhhhh!)