pacing our place

pacing our place

he and i. well. you would not. ever.
picture. shedding. i’m talking. undressing.
suddenly. i feel. rougher. straighter too.
the point. is that? unexpected. it stopped.
hurting. lessens. purpose seems. ingrained.

there is know. reason. reverence. in how.
curves. curling. heated. worship.

i keep separate like you wouldn’t believe.
during. final. polished. repositioned.
i’m telling. conceptual. eyes on me.
it’s always been. the way that he listens

stripping composure. behind closed.
i can no longer. stop. pathological.

i am not supposable. like you. thought.
past tense. possibility. owned without
stopping. to notice. immediate caught.
we speak. every day. redefine about.

he and i. well. still. guessing.
convulsing. revealing. being. honest.
the susurrus of what he says. moving. me.
slightly. alone. opposite. fitting. snaps.
dissimulate. discovery. captivate. (countdown.)

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